Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sweet Amaretto

You've been a company to get thru my bad days. And you were there, always.
The Sweet Amaretto and the people who stands out to be the performer, a real one.......!

A friend introduced me to you, and it's a sweet taste that contended my days in life for back and forth for the hours to come, untill the drizzling rain pours down to my face on the way feels so cool... it feels so peaceful... until we return to the home of pacific, the place where we dwell for a couple of momens....until we back to the earth of real life... and so forth and on forward....

I just love the moment when they deliver our songs....that's the anthem that will reverberate in my mind...for days and weeks to come...until we meet again in another occassion...when we meet agin and regain the moments...

Until we repeat those moment again, until we share happiness and loneliness again...until we happy together again....just you and me, sweet amaretto....!!!!

I just love the moment when we are together and so forth and so on.
I just want to repeat those moments again and again!!!


Anonymous said...

Shangri-la, Surabaya
& Colors

Anonymous said...

get back to hotel at 2:30AM, hangovered :)