Stayed in my friend's townhouse and hogging up the days wandering around the market streets and hunting for everyhting 'the most'. '. Yeah, superiority has been so inspiring that it drives me to the pride of Malay nations. The Twin Towers. I spent some time sitting on the lake side's Starbucks sipping up my hot cappucino. On my right hand side the lake surface is glowing from reflection of golden sunset and the shadow of the towers. A tranqulity I felt amidst the over crowding visitors. I saw dozens of construction workers marching home and they speak Bahasa. Yeah, the pride of Malay is built by our people. The slaves!
On another day, I returned from the city of KL to Seremban station on a Putra LRT. It's 7.30PM when the train embarked the Abdullah Hukum station. I was exhausted so I just leaned my head to the window, stared outside and feel the warmth of the sunset touched my face. I feel relieved, peaceful. I am away from anybody, I am stranded among the strangers and I am struck amidst the crowd of I dunno. But I feel relieved, peaceful. A strange feeling that always reverberating my mind, I feel weak but at once I feel consoled. Here, out of nowhere and nobody's comfort.... the moment I always find irresistible. When I can look back and see the future at once and span a bridge of stance to choose what's next to be done.
It took me a journey of thousand miles away just to bring me back down to the real world. But with different standpoint. A more inspiring and courageous world!
Little did my friends know that out of the joy and laughter they shared at my visit to KL, I did bring home something more gorgeous than their Twin Towers, a thing longer than their toll road and even more sophisticalted then their brand new KLIA. It's an inspiring muse. An amber to ignite the halt into thrust. The same thrust that pushed off the four-engined 747 which brings me home. Landing to the heart of the heartless veracity, the world, in which I have to choose to survive with more courageous principles and liberation at the same time. All it takes to sojourning a lifeline.